Defense Documents
These are materials associated with my PhD defense.
Here is a copy of version 1.03a of my dissertation.
Here is a copy of version 1.01 of my slide set.
Dissertation Change Log
- Version 1.03a includes an updated CV.
- Version 1.03 was the version used for binding. Changes: Some more typographical work. In the section "A Note on the Calculation of Symmetric Polynomials", some elementary symmetric polynomials were referred to as "e_i" rather than "sigma_i".
- Version 1.02 was the version sent to the library / ProQuest. Changes: Editorial changes, mainly for typographical reasons.
- Version 1.01 was the version sent to Dr. Wan addressing the committee's comments. Changes: Some editorial changes. Increased number of citations to the Cheng-Hill-Wan ANTS X paper. Co-credited Dr. Wan for one of the combinatorial results. Description and analysis of a naive approach to solving the point counting problem in general affine spaces. Added some tables in the conclusion summarizing the results of this and prior work.
- Version 1.00 was the version distributed to the thesis committee for the defense.
Slide Set Change Log
- Changes: Version 1.01 changes a description of an algorithm due to Kayal (the prior description was instead for an unpublished algorithm due to Lenstra, which accomplishes the same goal with the same runtime).
- Version 1.00 was the version distributed to the thesis committee for the defense.